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跨境电子商务E-commerce (EC)

发布日期:2023-09-05   点击量:


电子商务专业设立于2003年,现为校级重点专业;拥有浙江省企业形象研究会学术委员会常务委员、浙江省高校优秀青年人才等一批理论与实务相结合的高水平师资队伍。本专业依托全国高校电子商务联合实验室平台,与全国各高校建立资源共享与人才交流培养机制;充分利用全国(杭州)跨境电商综合试验区、阿里巴巴实践教学基地与校创业孵化基地等,指导学生参与全国大学生电子商务大赛、 互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛等学科竞赛,培养学生创新创业能力与综合实践能力。本专业毕业生在读研深造、自主创业、名企任职三方面并驾齐驱。众多学子到国内外名校读研,也涌现一批公职人员楷模、创业明星以及在领袖企业就业的知名校友。

E-commerce (EC) was established in 2003 and now is the key major in ZAFU. The professional teachers with strong teaching ability and academic research level serve the regional development, such as standing committee member of Academic Committee of Zhejiang Enterprise Image Research Association, outstanding young talents of universities in Zhejiang. Relying on "the national university e-commerce joint laboratory" platform, we established resource sharing and personnel training mechanism with other national colleges. Taking full advantage of local EC park and school business incubation base, we guide the students to attend EC competition like "national college students EC competition" and “college students’ ‘Internet plus’ innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition”, to cultivate students' innovative ability and comprehensive practical ability. The graduates of this major keep abreast of each other in three aspects: postgraduate study, independent entrepreneurship and employment in famous enterprises. Many graduates go to the famous universities at home or abroad for further education. There are also a number of public servants, entrepreneurial stars and well-known alumni in leading enterprises.


Based on the national teaching quality standards and the advantage of management science & engineering discipline, this teaching program sets up cultivate direction of Cross-border E-commerce to fulfill cross-border EC talent demand of Hangzhou cross-border EC comprehensive demonstration zone. The program focuses on integration of three industries and school-local, school- enterprise collaboration. Cooperating with local governments and companies like Alibaba Co Ltd., and relying on the local EC park and school business platform, the training of innovative and entrepreneurship ability is carried out based on Internet and mobile Internet. The teaching process requires make full use of the mobile Internet, modern educational technology and open online course platform etc., carry out classroom innovation about teaching mode, teaching methods and means, and strengthen the teaching evaluation mode in the process evaluation.




The major adhere to high moral values establishment and people cultivation. It integrates innovation and entrepreneurship education with professional education, cultivates international, complex, applied and entrepreneurial e-commerce professionals with good human qualities and professional ethics. The students are familiar with international logistics and international settlement knowledge, and can carry out overseas marketing and promotion activities. We highlight the characteristics of e-commerce in agricultural products, and the students can use cross-border e-commerce-related platforms for cross-border e-commerce data analysis and comprehensive operation.

Talents trained by our EC major can fulfill to following jobs in government/enterprises and institutions: e-commerce planning and management, e-commerce platform integrated management and operating, network marketing and promotion, internet media operations, cross-border EC application, PC and mobile terminal EC platform development and design and so on, to meet the e-commerce innovation and entrepreneurial talent needs under the guidance of public entrepreneurial and people innovation policy.




1-1 通识知识


1-2 学科基础知识


1-3 专业知识



2-1 基本能力


2-2 专业能力


2-3 创新能力



3-1 人文精神和科学素质


3-2 专业素质


3-3 身心素质


、核心课程(Core Courses

1. 电子商务概论Introduction of E-commerce

2. 跨境电子商务分析Cross-border E-commerce Analysis

3. 跨境电商支付与结算Cross-border E-commerce Payment and Settlement

4. 跨境电商物流与供应链管理Cross-border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain Management

5. 跨境电商数据分析Cross-border E-commerce Data Analysis

6. 网络营Network Marketing

7. 跨境电子商务综合实训Comprehensive Experiment for Cross-border E-commerce

五、修业年限与授予学位(Year of Study and Bachelor Degree

基本学制4年,实行弹性学制,学习年限3-6年。毕业最低修读学分为130, 必须通过国家汉语水平考新HSK4级,授予管理学学士学位。学位授予按照《浙江农林大学学士学位授予工作细则》及《浙江农林大学专业设置与学位授予一览表》执行。

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

网站: www.bjjxls.net

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