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城乡规划 urban and rural planning

发布日期:2023-09-05   点击量:


浙江农林大学城乡规划专业始建于 2001 年的资源环境与城乡规划管理,为校级重 点建设专业, 2013 年改为人文地理与城乡规划,并开始一本招生, 2018 年正式设立 乡规划专业。本专业依托城乡规划学、建筑学、风景园林学三个一级学科硕士点以及风 景园林一级学科博士点, 办学条件优越。在人居环境实验教学中心”  省级重点平台支 持下 拥有专业绘图教室, 数字规划技术实验室和 GIS 实验室, 以及园林规划设计院等 实践学基地。学科专业师资雄厚, 高级职称比例超过 50%,在发展过程中不断整合优 化,已形成拥有复合型知识背景、多元开放式的教师团队。

The major of urban and rural planning in Zhejiang A&F University was established in 2001 as a key major, and was called Resource Environment & Urban and Rural Planning Management, while changed to Cultural Geography & Urban and Rural Planning in 2013, and began to recruit students. In 2018, the major of Urban and Rural Planning was officially established. Based on master programs of Urban and Rural Planning,  Architecture and Landscape Architecture as well as the doctoral program of Landscape Architecture, this major retains good running conditions. Supported by the provincial key platform of "human settlement environment experimental teaching center", the facilities are superior with a professional drawing classroom, digital planning technology laboratory and GIS laboratory, as well as landscape planning and design Institute and other practical teaching bases. There are abundant lecturers, more than 50% of whom owns senior professional titles. In the process of development, it has been continuously integrated and optimized, formed a diversified lecturer team with compound knowledge background.

本方案以宽厚基础和多元融合为原则, 紧紧围绕城乡规划国际化的发展需求开展 培养,突出环境、 资源的可持续利用; 此方案强调宽厚基础, 扎实掌握专业基础核心 课程理论和技能; 更加强调多元融合, 多学科交叉和产业融合,充分利用学院的学生创 新平台和校外实践基地,推进产学研协同育人。

Based on the principles of lenient foundation, and pluralistic integration, this program is for nurturing top talents based on the development needs of the internationalization of urban and rural planning, and emphasizes environment and sustainable development of resources. This program places more emphasis on firmly mastering the theory and skills of the core courses of the professional foundation; and the pluralistic integration emphasizes more on the interdisciplinary, and the integration of industries; and make full use of different innovation platforms and practice bases to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents.




本专业旨在培德智体美劳全面发展, 具备扎实的城乡规划设计基础知识和专业 实践能,富有国际视野、 社会责任感、 创新精神和科学素养,具有可持续发展理 念, 在相关规划设计单位、政府管理部门和科研院所从事城乡规划设计、管理和研 究等作的高级应用型人才。

This major aims to train senior applied talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, mastering the theoretical knowledge and professional practice abilities in urban and rural planning. They would have an international vision, strong sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and scientific literacy. They would also have the concept of sustainable development and be able to work in relevant planning and design teams, government as well as scientific research institutes in the area of urban and rural planning, management and relevant research.

三、 核心课程 Core courses

1 .城乡规划原理 (Urban-rural Planning Principles)

2 .城市总体规划(Urban Master Planning)

3 .城乡道路与交通规划 (Urban-rural Road and Traffic Planning)

4. 城乡基础设施规划 (Urban-rural Infrastructure Planning)

5.  城市防灾规划 (Urban Disaster Planning)

6.  城市设计 (Urban Design)

四、修业年限要求 year of study

基本学制四年, 实行弹性学制,学习年限 3-6

Basic academic system is four years, and the flexible academic system of 3-6 years of study is implemented.

、毕业学分和学位授予 required credits and bachelor degree

毕业最低修读学分为 125.5 学分,通过新 HSK 四级,授予工学学士学位。

Graduation minimum credit is  125.5 credits, through the new HSK level 4, awarded a bachelor's degree in engineering.


地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

网站: www.bjjxls.net

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